Historical and old photos, pictures and images of Andenne, Belgium
Photos et images historiques et anciennes Andenne, Belgique

Cities of the World • Cities of Europa • Cities of Belgium

History of Andenne, Namur in photos

A small historical reference

Geography: Andenne is a city and municipality of Wallonia located in the province of Namur, Belgium. The municipality, and the central city, extend on both sides of the river Meuse.

The municipality consists of the following districts: Andenne, Bonneville, Coutisse, Landenne, Maizeret, Namêche, Sclayn, Seilles, Thon-Samson, and Vezin.

The city is symbolized by a bear, originating from the legend that saw Charles Martel, while still a child, use a hammer to kill a bear that terrorized the inhabitants.

Andenne is the location of the Château du Moisnil.

Andenne is associated with the Rape of Belgium in 1914, during which between 211 and 225 townspeople were massacred. German troops entered the area on August 18, 1914 but discovered all the bridges into town had been blown to deny them crossing. Construction of a pontoon bridge commenced, and the next day the Germans entered. At first no serious conflicts arose; apart from some German soldiers looting shops, mainly taverns and inns. Civilians were frightened and hid. When the main army arrived the civilians began panicking causing them to be rounded up and forced out into the streets. From there they were taken to the main square, where they were berated for what Belgian soldiers and civilians had done to the German's "brothers". As revenge all were shot, or killed with axes.

One German soldier’s diary was discovered near Andenne, stating: "19th August, Our cavalry patrols, we hear, are being shot at in the villages again and again. Several poor fellows have already lost their lives. Disgraceful! An honest bullet in honest battle – yes, then one has shed one’s blood for the Fatherland. But to be shot from an ambush, from the window of a house, the gun barrel hidden behind flowerpots, no, that is not a nice, soldierly death."

Date of foundation:


Population: 25 729


Andenne. Bonneville - Ecole des garçons, 1923
Bonneville - Ecole des garçons, 1923
Andenne. Façade Nord de l'Eglise
Façade Nord de l'Eglise
Andenne. Fontaine Sainte-Begge
Fontaine Sainte-Begge
Andenne. La Fontaine aux Faisans
La Fontaine aux Faisans
Andenne. Le Pont
Le Pont
Andenne. L'Hospice, 1919
L'Hospice, 1919
Andenne. L'Institut Sainte-Begge
L'Institut Sainte-Begge
Andenne. Monument des Fusillés
Monument des Fusillés
Andenne. Namèche - Le Pont à travers la Meuse, 1904
Namèche - Le Pont à travers la Meuse, 1904
Andenne. Namêche - Vue Panoramique, 1925
Namêche - Vue Panoramique, 1925
Andenne. Namêche - Vue Panoramique
Namêche - Vue Panoramique
Andenne. Place du Chapitre
Place du Chapitre
Andenne. Place du Chapitre
Place du Chapitre. A gauche Ecole Moyenne de l'Etat Filles. A droite - Pensionnat Notre-Dame
Andenne. Place du Perron, 1912
Place du Perron et l'Hôtel de Ville, 1912
Andenne. Rue d'Horseilles, 1912
Rue d'Horseilles, 1912
Andenne. Rue Moncheur
Rue Moncheur
Andenne. Rue Rogier
Rue Rogier
Andenne. Samson - La Vallée de la Meuse
Samson - La Vallée de la Meuse
Andenne. Samson - Les Rochers
Samson - Les Rochers
Andenne. Samson - Monument Commémoratif 1914-1918
Samson - Monument Commémoratif 1914-1918
Andenne. Sclayn - Pont et Vue Panoramique
Sclayn - Pont et Vue Panoramique
Andenne. Seilles - L'Église (XVe siécle)
Seilles - L'Église (XVe siécle)
Andenne. Seilles - Place communale et rue de l'Église
Seilles - Place communale et rue de l'Église
Andenne. Villa du Sphinx, Route de Huy
Villa du Sphinx, Route de Huy

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