Historical and old photos and pictures of Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Buxoro tarixiy va eski fotosuratlar va rasmlar

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Old historical photos and images of Bukhara
Buxoroning eski va tarixiy fotosuratlar va tasvirlari

Bukhara Jewish family
Bukhara Jewish family
Buxoro yahudiy oilasi
Bukhara Jewish family, 1925
Bukhara Jewish family, 1925
Buxoro yahudiy oilasi, 1925 yil
Bukhara. Bound Prisoners
Bound Prisoners
Bog'langan mahbuslar
Bukhara. Wrestling competitions (kurash)
Wrestling competitions (kurash)
Kurash musobaqalari
Old Bukhara - city market, Poi-Kalyan complex, 1969
Old Bukhara - city market, Poi-Kalyan complex, 1969
Eski Buxoro – shahar bozori, Poi-Kalyan majmuasi, 1969 yil
Old Bukhara, 1928
Old Bukhara, 1928
Eski Buxoro, 1928 yil
Old Bukhara, mosque
Old Bukhara, mosque
Eski Buxoro, masjid
Bukhara. Old Zindan (prison)
Old Zindan (prison)
Qadimgi Zindan
Bukhara. Madrasah student
Madrasah student
Madrasa talabasi
Bukhara. Toki Zargaron - the largest covered bazaar in the center of Bukhara, 1948
Toki Zargaron - the largest covered bazaar in the center of Bukhara, 1948
Toki Zargaron - Buxoro markazidagi eng katta yopiq bozor, 1948 yil
Toki Sarrafon - covered bazaar in the center of Bukhara, 1950
Toki Sarrafon - covered bazaar in the center of Bukhara, 1950
Toki Sarrafon - Buxoro markazidagi yopiq bozor, 1950 yil
Bukhara. Toki Telpak-Furushon, 1934
Toki Telpak-Furushon, 1934
Toki Telpak-Furushon, 1934 yil
Bukhara. Market Street
Market Street
Bozor ko'chasi
Bukhara. Sweets seller
Sweets seller
Shirinliklar sotuvchisi
Bukhara. Fruit seller
Fruit seller
Meva sotuvchisi
Bukhara. Book trade
Book trade
Kitob savdosi
Bukhara. Lamp merchants
Lamp merchants
Chiroq sotuvchilari
Bukhara. Pilaf visiting the Emir of Bukhara
Pilaf visiting the Emir of Bukhara
Buxoro amirini ziyorat qilishda palov
Bukhara street with Chor-Minor madrasa
Bukhara street with Chor-Minor madrasa
Buxoro ko'cha Chor-Minor madrasasi bilan
Bukhara. Mirabad street and madrasah
Mirabad street and madrasah
Mirobod ko'chasi va madrasa
Bukhara. Mir-Arab street
Mir-Arab street
Mir-Arab ko'chasi
Bukhara. Street of the old town
Street of the old town
Eski shahar ko'chasi
Bukhara. Street of the old town
Street of the old town
Eski shahar ko'chasi
Bukhara. Street near the cathedral mosque Kalyan
Street near the cathedral mosque Kalyan
Kalyan sobori masjidi yaqinidagi ko'cha
Bukhara. Kerosene street seller
Kerosene street seller
Ko'chada kerosin sotuvchisi
Bukhara. Hauz (artificial reservoir) in Ishan-Imla
Hauz (artificial reservoir) in Ishan-Imla
Ishan-Imladagi hauz (sun'iy suv ombori)
Bukhara. Khauz Samanids, Bukhara - the capital of the Samanids
Khauz Samanids, Bukhara - the capital of the Samanids
Xauz Somoniylar, Buxoro — Somoniylar poytaxti
Bukhara. Barbers at the Registan
Barbers at the Registan
Registon sartaroshlari
Bukhara. Sentinel at the palace and ancient cannons on Registan Square
Sentinel at the palace and ancient cannons on Registan Square
Saroydagi qo‘riqchi va Registon maydonidagi qadimiy to‘plar
Bukhara. Saddlers
Bukhara. Saddlery Bazaar
Saddlery Bazaar
Egarxona bozori
Emir of Bukhara
Emir of Bukhara
Buxoro amiri
Emir of Bukhara Mir-Seid Abdul Ahad Bogadur Khan
Emir of Bukhara Mir-Seid Abdul Ahad Bogadur Khan
Buxoro amiri Mir Seyid Abdul Ahad Bog‘adurxon
Emir of Bukhara Muzafar
Emir of Bukhara Muzafar
Buxoro amiri Muzafar
Emir of Bukhara Abd al-Ahad Khan
Emir of Bukhara Abd al-Ahad Khan
Buxoro amiri Abd al-Ahadxon
Bukhara. Emir of Bukhara Abd al-Ahad Khan (1859-1911)
Emir of Bukhara Abd al-Ahad Khan (1859-1911)
Buxoro amiri Abd al-Ahadxon (1859-1911)

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