Historical and old photos and pictures of Andijan, Uzbekistan
Andijon tarixiy va eski fotosuratlar va rasmlar

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Old historical photos and images of Andijan, Uzbekistan
Andijanning eski va tarixiy fotosuratlar va tasvirlari

A small historical reference - Kichik tarixiy ma'lumotnoma

Geography - Geografiya: Andijan (Andijon or Andizhan) is a city in Uzbekistan. It is the administrative, economic, and cultural center of Andijan Region. Andijan is located in the south-eastern edge of the Fergana Valley near Uzbekistan's border with Kyrgyzstan.

Andijan is one of the oldest cities in the Fergana Valley. In some parts of the city, archeologists have found items dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries. Historically, Andijan was an important city on the Silk Road.

The city is perhaps best known as the birthplace of Babur who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty in the Indian subcontinent and became the first Mughal emperor. Andijan also gained notoriety in 2005 when government forces opened fire on protestors, killing hundreds in what came to be known as the Andijan Massacre.

Andijan was developed into an important industrial city during the Soviet era. Manufactured goods produced in the city include chemicals, domestic appliances, electronics, foodstuffs, furniture, plows, pumps, shoes, spare parts for farming machines, various engineering tools, and wheelchairs.

Date of foundation - Tashkil etilgan sana: First mention - 10th century

History - Tarix:

Population - Aholi: 447 800

Sights - Diqqatga sazovor joylar:

Andijan. Alexandrovskaya street
Alexandrovskaya street
Aleksandrovskaya ko'chasi
Andijan. Bazaar, 1912
Bazaar, 1912
Bozor, 1912 yil
Andijan. Bazaar and Jami Mosque
Bazaar and Jami Mosque
Bozor va Jomiy masjidi
Andijan. Church, between 1897 and 1915
Church, between 1897 and 1915
Cherkov, 1897 yildan 1915 yilgacha
Andijan. Palace of the son of Kokand Khan
Palace of the son of Kokand Khan
Qoʻqon xoni oʻgʻli saroyi
Andijan. Fruit row in the old town, 1909
Fruit row in the old town, 1909
Eski shahardagi meva qatori, 1909 yil
Andijan. Caravanserai
Andijan. Clover Bazaar
Clover Bazaar
Yonca Bozori
Andijan. Small road to the old city
Small road to the old city
Eski shaharga kichik yo'l
Andijan. Jami Mosque, between 1890 and 1902
Jami Mosque, between 1890 and 1902
Jomiy masjidi, 1890-1902 yillar oralig'ida
Andijan. Jami Mosque, between 1926 and 1936
Jami Mosque, between 1926 and 1936
Jomiy masjidi, 1926-1936 yillar oralig'ida
Andijan. Minaret of the Friday Mosque, circa 1925
Minaret of the Friday Mosque, circa 1925
Juma masjidining minorasi, taxminan 1925 yil
Andijan. Nicholas Avenue, between 1900 and 1910
Nicholas Avenue, between 1900 and 1910
Nikolay prospekti, 1900 va 1910 yillar orasida
Andijan. Neighborhood 'Min-Bashi' and the street
Neighborhood 'Min-Bashi' and the street
'Min-Bashi' mahallasi va ko'cha
Andijan. Sai river, dam
Sai river, dam
Say daryosi, to'g'on
Andijan. Hay Bazaar
Hay Bazaar
Pichan Bozori
Andijan. Palace under construction of the son of the Kokand Khan
Palace under construction of the son of the Kokand Khan
Qoʻqon xoni oʻgʻli qurilayotgan saroy
Andijan. Shark Theater and Lenin Avenue, between 1930 and 1939
Shark Theater and Lenin Avenue, between 1930 and 1939
Shark teatri va Lenin prospekti, 1930-1939 yillar oralig'ida
Andijan. Lenin street, bank building, 1930
Lenin street, bank building, 1930
Lenin ko'chasi, bank binosi, 1930 yil
Andijan. Streets of the old city
Streets of the old city
Eski shahar ko'chalari
Andijan. Yalangach-Kurgan Street
Yalangach-Kurgan Street
Yalangach-Qo‘rg‘on ko‘chasi
Andijan. Entrance to the madrasah
Entrance to the madrasah
Madrasaga kirish
Andijan. Gate of the palace of the son of the Kokand Khan
Gate of the palace of the son of the Kokand Khan
Qoʻqon xoni oʻgʻli saroyi darvozasi
Andijan. Building on the forecourt, between 1915 and 1920
Building on the forecourt, between 1915 and 1920
Bino Stantsiyasi Maydoni ustida 1915-1920 yillar oralig'ida

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