Historical and old photos, pictures and images of Hervey Bay, Queensland

Cities of the World • Countries of Oceania • Cities of Australia

Historical and old photos of Hervey Bay, Queensland in photos

A small historical reference

Geography: Hervey Bay - is a city in the state of Queensland, Australia. The city is situated approximately 290 kilometres (180 mi) or 3? hours' highway drive north of the state capital, Brisbane. It is a natural bay between the Queensland mainland and nearby Fraser Island. The local economy relies on tourism which is based primarily around whale watching in Platypus Bay to the north, access to Fraser Island, accessible recreational fishing and boating and the natural north facing, calm beaches with wide undeveloped foreshore zones. (Wiki)

Date of foundation: 1863


Population: 52 288


Hervey Bay. Father and son in a horsedrawn buggy, 1904
Father and son in a horsedrawn buggy, 1904
Hervey Bay. Lighthouse on Woody Island, circa 1906
Lighthouse on Woody Island, circa 1906
Hervey Bay. Panorama of Hervey Bay
Panorama of Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay. Pialba Hotel
Pialba Hotel
Hervey Bay. Pialba Railway Station, Hervey Bay, 1912
Pialba Railway Station, 1912
Hervey Bay. Students of Urangan Farms State School, 1908
Students of Urangan Farms State School, 1908
Hervey Bay. The Steamship 'Calulu'
The Steamship "Calulu", loading coal at Urangan
Hervey Bay. Torquay shopping centre, Hervey Bay
Torquay shopping centre

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