Historical and old photos and pictures of Tashkent
Toshkent tarixiy va eski fotosuratlar va rasmlar

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Old historical photos and images of Tashkent
Toshkent eski va tarixiy fotosuratlar va tasvirlari

Tashkent. Home of the Governor General, between 1865 and 1872
Home of the Governor General, between 1865 and 1872
(General-gubernatorning uyi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Home of the Governor General, between 1865 and 1872
Home of the Governor General, between 1865 and 1872
(General-gubernatorning uyi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Home of the Governor General, between 1865 and 1872
Home of the Governor General, between 1865 and 1872
(General-gubernatorning uyi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Governor General's House, 1898
Governor General's House, 1898
(General-gubernatorning uyi, 1898 yil)
Tashkent. A carriage and guards at the gate of the Governor-General's House, 1898
A carriage and guards at the gate of the Governor-General's House, 1898
(General-gubernatorning uyi darvozasi oldidagi arava va soqchilar, 1898 yil)
Tashkent. A carriage and guards in front of the Governor-General's House, 1898
A carriage and guards in front of the Governor-General's House, 1898
(General-gubernatorning uyi oldidagi arava va soqchilar, 1898 yil)
Tashkent. The house where Major-General M. G. Chernyaev lived in the period 1865-1872
The house where Major-General M. G. Chernyaev lived in the period 1865-1872
(General-mayor M. G. Chernyaev yashagan uyi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Hospital Street - Hospital and vaccination station named Pasteur
Hospital Street - Hospital and vaccination station named Pasteur
(Kasalxona ko'chasi - Paster nomidagi kasalxona va emlash stantsiyasi)
Tashkent. Artisan School, 1898
Artisan School, 1898
(Hunarmandchi maktabi, 1898 yil)
Tashkent. Artisan school on Gogolevskaya Street
Artisan school on Gogolevskaya Street
(Hunarmandchi maktabi Gogolevskaya ko'chasida)
Tashkent. Artisan School, Governor General's Visit, 1899
Artisan School, Governor General's Visit, 1899
(Hunarmandchi maktabi, general-gubernatorning tashrifi, 1899 yil)
Tashkent. Hydro power station, 1920s
Hydro power station, 1920s
(Gidroelektrostantsiya, 1920-yillar)
Tashkent. A bridge over two small artificial waterfalls, between 1865 and 1872
A bridge over two small artificial waterfalls, between 1865 and 1872
(Ikkita kichik sun'iy sharshara ustidagi ko'prik, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Ivanov wine and spirits factory, 1905
Ivanov wine and spirits factory, 1905
(Ivanov sharob va spirtli ishlab chiqarish zavodi, 1905 yil)
Tashkent. Football match in the cadet corps
Football match in the cadet corps
(Kadet korpusida futbol uchrashuvi)
Tashkent. Kaufman Avenue
Kaufman Avenue
(Kaufman prospekti)
Tashkent. Bridge from Kaufman Square to City Park, 1909
Bridge from Kaufman Square to City Park, 1909
(Kaufman maydonidan shahar bog'iga ko'prik tashlang, 1909 yil)
Tashkent. Kaufman Avenue and Irdjarskaya Street
Kaufman Avenue and Irdjarskaya Street
(Kaufmanskiy prospekti va Irdjarskaya ko'chasi)
Tashkent. Tannery, between 1865 and 1872
Tannery, between 1865 and 1872
(Ko'nchilik fabrikasi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Konstantinovsky square, 1914
Konstantinovsky square, 1914
(Konstantinovskiy maydoni, 1914 yil)
Tashkent. Neighborhood 'Court'
Neighborhood 'Court'
(Mahalla 'Mahkama')
Tashkent. Market in old city
Market in old city
(Eski shahardagi bozor)
Tashkent. Mausoleum Sheikh, Cemetery, Mosque, between 1920 and 1930
Mausoleum Sheikh, Cemetery, Mosque, between 1920 and 1930
(Shayx maqbarasi, qabriston, masjid, 1920-1930 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Men's gymnasium
Men's gymnasium
(Erkaklar gimnaziyasi)
Tashkent. Middle school in the township of a textile combine, 1957
Middle school in the township of a textile combine, 1957
(Toʻqimachilik kombinati posyolkasidagi oʻrta maktab, 1957 yil)
Tashkent. Moscow street
Moscow street
(Moskva ko'chasi)
Tashkent. Moscow Street, between 1865 and 1872
Moscow Street, between 1865 and 1872
(Moskva ko'chasi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Moscow Street, between 1865 and 1872
Moscow Street, between 1865 and 1872
(Moskva ko'chasi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Mosque, woman in paranja, between 1920 and 1930
Mosque, woman in paranja, between 1920 and 1930
(Masjid, paranjadagi ayol, 1920-1930 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Old city - makhallya (quarter) Maslyak, 1930s
Old city - makhallya (quarter) Maslyak, 1930s
(Eski shahar - mahalla (kvartal) Maslyak, 1930-yillar)
Tashkent. Old and New, circa 1930s
Old and New, circa 1930s
(Eski va yangi, taxminan 1930-yillar)
Tashkent. Middle Asian State University building, 1928
Middle Asian State University building, 1928
(Oʻrta Osiyo davlat universiteti binosi, 1928 yil)
Tashkent. Palace of Labor
Palace of Labor
(Mehnat saroyi)
Tashkent. Preparation of the base for cotton fabrics, between 1865 and 1872
Preparation of the base for cotton fabrics, between 1865 and 1872
(Paxta matolari uchun asosni tayyorlash, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Orthodox Church, between 1865 and 1872
Orthodox Church, between 1865 and 1872
(Pravoslav cherkovi, 1865-1872 yillar oralig'ida)
Tashkent. Public meeting
Public meeting
(Jamoat yig'ilishi)

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