Old photos of Seoul, South Korea
Coat of arms of Seoul

Countries of World | Cities of Korea, South

History of city Seoul, South Korea in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1394

History: Previous names - Vireson, Khanyan, Hanson, Kyonson, Keijou

Population: 9 914 381


Seoul. 'Chosen' Hotel
'Chosen' Hotel, right - 'Temple of Heaven'
Seoul. 'Temple of Heaven'
'Temple of Heaven' in the grounds of the Chosen Hotel
Seoul. Duk Soo Palace
Duk Soo Palace, 1945
Seoul. Hall of Portraits the Ancestors
Hall of Portraits the Ancestors
Seoul. Marble Pagoda
Marble Pagoda
Seoul. Panorama of government buildings
Panorama of government buildings, between 1890 and 1920
Seoul. Panorama of Railway Bridge
Panorama of Railway Bridge, 1903
Seoul. Panorama of town street
Panorama of town street
Seoul. Shoe market
Shoe market, between 1890 and 1920
Seoul. Streetcar
Streetcar, between 1890 and 1920
Seoul. The bank of Korea
The bank of Korea
Seoul. The entrance to the city
The entrance to the city
Seoul. The Nandaimon gate
The Nandaimon gate, 1903
Seoul. The Nandaimon gate
The Nandaimon gate and tram
Seoul.The Nandaimon gate
The Nandaimon gate
Seoul. White-robed pottery peddlers
White-robed pottery peddlers, 1901

Photos posted on the website in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, the term of protection which is fifty years after the author's death.

After this period photos it becomes public domain. The participants of the Berne Convention are 167 States.

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